It was great seeing so many of you attend the Heat Pump presentation.
Thanks to Brent Coleman for his explanation of the mechanicals, costs, subsidies and benefits.
Using a heat pump system, can reduce your heating and cooling costs by 50%!
And save 275 gallons of heating fuel from being burned.
Thanks as well to the Cavendish Fletcher Community Library for hosting.
Curious about Heat Pumps? Brent Coleman, of Coleman Heating and Plumbing will
answer all your questions at this free Q & A
Sat. Jan. 11, 1:00pm
Cavendish Fletcher Library.
The Planning Commission invites the public to a meeting Dec. 11 at. 6:00 pm at the Cavendish Town Office.
The plan can be reviewed at the town's website www.cavendishvt.com.
Battery-Powered Yard Tools
See and hold a display of tools, from weed whackers to chainsaws to lawn mowers and
hear an expert's evaluation. Learn about maintenance, reliability and state subsidies.
Monday, June 5 at the Cavendish Town Office, 6 pm.
Solar Energy
The Cavendish Municipal Solar Array located adjacent to the Town Transfer Station, is 148Kw, and tied to the net metering system of Green Mountain Power. It offsets the electricity costs of the Cavendish Town Office, Town Garage and Sewage and Water Treatment systems.
Follow this link to learn more about adding solar to your home or business.
Composting & Recycling
While the market for recyclable goods, including paper, glass, plastics, electronics,
tires, scrap building materials, is sometimes unpredictable, we encourage everyone
to take the first step of reducing consumption, the second step of reusing or repurposing
and the third step of recycling at the transfer station.
Follow the links to learn more about how to compost at home.
Transfer Station
Use is limited to Cavendish residents with an identifying sticker on their vehicle and
appropriate tickets (available at the Town Office and Singleton's Store).
Follow the link for hours of operation and descriptions of how to sort your trash,
zero-sort items and food scraps.
If saving money, reducing your carbon footprint, or feeling like a kid again,
are your jam, consider an E-bike. Cavendish has endless back roads for safe bicycling,
year round,
if you have the right tires and gear.
"Getting Around: Love Your Bike or E-Bike, Even in Cold Weather."
Electric Cars
Along the east side of Proctorsville Green is a Level 2 charging station.
The Energy Committee and Town of Cavendish hope to have more.
Follow this link for more information about rebates and tax incentives
to support the purchase of electric cars, trucks and bicycles.
https://www.driveelectricvt.com/why-go-electric/purchase-incentives offers a
comprehensive listing of state rebates for all electric, hybrids, electric bicycles,
new and used, purchased or leased.
Be more comfortable and save money by tightening leaks and adding insulation.
From free DIY kits, rebates and loans, to better wood stoves, heat pumps and
heat pump water heaters, various programs subsidize improvements.
Cavendish Energy Reports
Every year an overview is included in the town report.
Follow this link to the town website.

You can download the Energy Report by pressing the DOCX button here.
The Cavendish Energy Committee meets the second Wednesday of every month at the Cavendish Town Office and welcomes new members.
Call Chairperson Mary Ormrod 802-226-7783 for information.