Photo by Hans Schrag

Photo by Jeff Morgan
Hardy Hill covers approximately 215 acres adjacent to Lord State Forest. Our goal is to permanently conserve this land by donating it to the State of Vermont. Before that happens though we are installing a trail network, much of it handicap accessible, that allows public access to the site's natural and historic features. On the Lower Loop trail, the primary feature is a large beaver pond, in which there are several nests of Great Blue Herons that take up residence each year. On the Upper Loop trail you"ll find several interesting varieties of orchid and ladyslippers, as well as a large porcupine nest and a vernal pool. Soon the trail network will include a path to the summit of Hardy Hill, offering a nice climb and beautiful views of the countryside.
Hardy Hill is located on Sussannah Johnson Lane just off East Road in Cavendish.
For more information or to volunteer, please contact erickrasnauskas@protonmail.com.
Proctor Piper Trail
The Proctor Piper Trail is now open at the Pratt Hill trail head. There will be a guided walk coming soon, so stay tuned!

Working on the Proctor Piper Trail
The Initial trail will link the villages of Cavendish and Proctorsville with plans to construct more trails pending
State approval. The trail meanders through camping areas built by the CCC in the 1930s evidenced by still
standing fire pits and the remnants of two standing fireplaces which bookend a warming pavilion. The State
has no plans to demolish or restore the chimneys and we would like to rebuild them as it once was. We spent
a day in early January building water bars and diverting drainage from the wet part of the trail. Also we set large flat stepping stones in some of the wet areas and stream crossings.
We currently have volunteers building a trail head info kiosk and a gravel parking area will be built this coming spring at the Pratt Hill trail head.
If you would like to volunteer to help, you can contact Tim Calabrese at 802-267-7754.